In an emergency please dial 999 first to activate an ambulance response!

Always call 999 first in the case of an accident or medical emergency when a person is seriously ill or injured and their life is at risk. In a situation where you think someone may be having a heart attack or stroke, call 999 immediately.

If you feel that a GP is required for emergency care please call the surgery on +353 21 4772717 or outside surgery hours contact the SouthDoc out-of-hours GP service on 1850 335 999

Data Protection Regulations - Medical Records

A General Practice is a trusted community governed by an ethic of privacy and confidentiality.

In order to provide for your care, we need to collect and keep information about you and your health in your personal medical record.

Our policies are consistent with the Medical Council guidelines and the privacy principles of the Data Protection Regulations.

This practice has voluntarily adopted the requirements of ‘Processing of Patient Personal Data: A Guideline for General Practitioners’.

For further details please contact reception for a copy of our Practice Privacy Statement.